Τρίτη 24 Μαρτίου 2020

TASKS FOR C CLASS (continue)

Hi children, again!!! 

Here are some tasks from your e-book about fun parks....

Firstly, a grammar task about gerund and infinitive. (Easy or not? Self-check, please)

Another one grammar task which is really intriguing. I want to challenge you, so can you do it?

Do you want a  jumbled-order task? Enjoy!!!

Now, let's relax....

The following quiz is going to reveal what ride are you. Ready? Go .......

Finally, let's listen two songs related to fun parks. Which is your favourite????

1) Roller Coaster (by Bon Jovi)

2) Life is a roller-coaster (by Ronan Keating)

8 σχόλια:

  1. I mostly like Ronan Keating's "Life is a roller-coaster" because of its rythm and its really nice lyrics.

  2. Thanks John for expressing your opinion! For me it's the Bon Jovi's song....

  3. Hello!!I prefer Bon Jovi's song because I like the tonality which the song is based and it's very close to my heart!!!

  4. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.

  5. for me the best song is the first ,since is closer to the music i hear and to the people of my age.

  6. Ανδρέας Πήττας : Personally , I prefer the song Roller Coaster because it is similar to my taste of music (don't mind the username)

  7. I'm glad that you express your opinion on the songs... Actually I like both of the songs but a little bit more Bon Jovi's....
